
Music Theory

Mythbusting The Modes

The Modes… The keys to the musical Ferrari. The secret knowledge of guitar virtuosos. The Holy Grail of being able to play anything you want. You’re here because you’ve heard guitar players talking about something called “Modes”, but you still don’t understand what they are, how to play them, or

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How to quit guitar by mistake

Imagine yourself quitting guitar. Giving up on trying to get better. Eventually not playing again. You probably think this would be a decision you’d give a lot of thought to before making. Perhaps you think it’s a decision you’d never make yourself. You’re serious about learning to play or being

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Vibrato Visualiser
Guitar Technique

Five Reasons Your Vibrato SUCKS

Being a good musician starts and ends with being able to make one note sound awesome. If you can’t make one note sound really great, then it doesn’t matter what else you can do — you’ve already lost the battle. Before we go any further, know that I’m not one

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Music Theory

Examples of Modes in songs and rock music

When you’re trying to learn the Modes, one of the most important things is to have examples of real music that use them so that you can get their sound into your head. Having these examples will really help you recognise the unique sound quality and distinctive “attitude” of each

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